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Your fortune

Mystic Andy predicts your 2014.

(Andy Cope, with tea-towel around his head, hands swirling over a crystal ball).

“I can see your future. 2014 is laid out before me. You are a 2%er. You are making an effort to be your best self. Everything is goooood. You are happy. And you are having a magnificent impact on your family and work colleagues. Goooood.

“But wait. Who is this? A negative person. Bad face. Surely a mood hoover. Your spouse or your boss perhaps?

“They are moaning about something. The weather, I think? Or work? Or the news?

“And you look like you’re going to join in?

“But, nooooo! You have remained positive. You have challenged the mood hoover and turned them around. They are smiling! How unusual.

“And you are walking away, your sanity intact, a grin on your face. You are going to win many battles this year. It will be challenging but it will be your best year. It will be goooood.”