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My dodgy French

A simple but brilliant tip to unlock the secret of brilliant relationships – at work and at home.

Last time I went to France I managed to create a scene of hilarity in the boulangerie. Whilst trying to say ‘thank you very much’ (merci beaucoup) my dodgy pronunciation turned it into ‘thank you nice bum’ (merci beau cul)!

They loved it – and whilst I laughed along someone was kind enough to tell me what had happened – so I laughed even more whist my teenage son completely disowned me!

It’s not just foreign languages that can lead to misunderstandings. Winston Churchill once said “Americans and British are one people separated only by a common language.” In fact, wherever we go, we are surrounded by an incredible variety of people – some of whom we ‘get’ naturally and others to whom we may as well be speaking in a foreign language.

But here’s the thing to watch – whilst we like people who are like us, we are more likely to see what is wrong with people who are different to us. We tend to notice and dwell on their weaknesses far more than their strengths.

What does this do for the relationship?

Well, it has been said that “opposites attract” – but at the same time when it comes to living or working together on a day to day basis, opposites can drive each other nuts! Failure to appreciate difference leads to all kinds of conflict.

Who do you work or live with that is completely different to you? Do you dwell on what’s wrong with them – or what’s right with them?

For 14 days look at them through a different lens and appreciate what is different about them. After all – how many identical versions of you could you put up with?! Notice what’s great about what they do – and notice your relationship, and the results you get improve.

So what is the secret to understanding and connecting with everyone out there? Whilst a few rare individuals have developed this ability naturally, the good news is that we can teach you enough to put it to practise in a one-day workshop which will:

  • reveal why people are so different and how to easily describe key differences
  • highlight potential causes of conflict – and what to do about it once and for all
  • teach you to successfully adapt and connect with anyone
  • go way beyond diversity training to value what is unique about everyone
  • achieve so much more through developing brilliant relationships.

Whether you are looking to improve relationships with your boss, your colleagues, your clients or your family ‘Brilliant Relationships’ is the place to start – and we have just decided to run an open programme at the beautiful Lion Court Conference Centre in Leicestershire. Set within tranquil parkland with state of the art facilities it is described as “easy to get to, yet a whole world away”.

We are looking for some brilliant people to join us – so if this sounds interesting then simply email and put the subject ‘Brilliant Relationships’ – and we’ll send you a PDF with the blurb!

What’s more – if you do this before the England v Uruguay kick off on 19 June 2014 we will put your name in a hat and pick one lucky person to receive a place completely free of charge! That’s got to be worth throwing your hat in the ring! Just drop me a line by 19 June to say it sounds interesting and we’ll take it from there. We’ll let the lucky winner know at the end of the month.
