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Young people nowadays?

We now have a merry band of trainers who deliver our workshops in businesses across the land. It’s all good stuff, I promise. But we’ve been grappling with a big issue for a while. Imagine the impact on society if teenagers learned to be happy, upbeat and confident, instead of sinking into a ‘whatever’ culture? So we set about the task with our usual gusto and, err, failed. I mean teenagers can be like well tough audiences, bro!

So we went back to the drawing board. We mused for a while and made some grunting noises (we were getting into the teenage mindset, you see). And we started with a question; what if we designed something that challenges current mindsets? Something that made positivity, hard work, happiness and confidence really cool. So we did. And I’m proud to say that we’re launching our brand new workshop, The Art of Being a Brilliant Teenager (PDF, 2MB), right here, right now.

We have a three-pronged attack. Teenagers can attend the workshop, buy the book and, once they graduate as ‘brilliant’, wear the t-shirt (yes, we’ve got them in yellow, green and blue).

So, a couple of favours, if I may be so bold?

Please help spread the word by alerting your local school to the fact that we can help them to be outstanding. Or that we can massively raise the performance of their pupil premium kids. All they need to do is drop an email to Mandy at and she’ll send them some info.

And please do us a positive Amazon review for The Art of Being a Brilliant Teenager. Pretty please? Our publishers tell us that these reviews are crucial, especially amongst teenage readers. Email Mandy at when you or your teenager have done it and we’ll put your name in the hat for a ‘brilliant’ t-shirt (yellow, green or blue?).

A x