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Just five minutes

Everyone else was out this evening and I had the house to myself. I had a lot to do. But when I noticed the line was full of dry washing I nipped out to take it in. I started off at 100 miles per hour. After all, I had a lot of things on my list and this wasn’t even on it. And no, I’m not going to write it on my list so I can cross it off again. Although yes, I have been known to do it in the past.

I was halfway through (arghhh – who left their sleeves rolled up?!) before I noticed the birds were singing. Then I noticed the sound of the breeze in the trees. I saw how beautiful the sky was – a very light blue packed with cotton wool balls of white cloud. I smelt the evening air and took a deep breath. I noticed the lovely fresh smell of washing on the line. I drank in the colours that surrounded me. I felt my breathing slow and my body relax.

Yes, it’s true – I’m definitely not perfect. When I’m under pressure and it comes to savouring the here and now I would benefit from a little more practising what I preach. But I’m glad I did this evening, when a simple task became a spot of therapy. Not only did I breathe in a beautiful evening, I remembered who I was and why I am here.

It was only five minutes. But having taken the time to soak up the beautifully ordinary things that surround me, I found myself again. And looking back, it was the best five minutes of my day.
