In true Staffordshire style Amy says she feels ‘chuffed to bits’ to have a sneaky peak at our books before they’re published and even more honoured that she gets to bring them to life.
Amy revels in being her own boss, working from her very own studio in ‘the city that never sleeps’ (Uttoxeter) where, according to legend, she hoards the world’s largest chocolate stash (…but shhh!). She LOVES her job as an illustrator and designer so much, that she frequently blurts out, ‘I have the BEST job in the world!’
Amy has illustrated nine of our books so it was inevitable that she absorbed the ethos and it confirmed what she already knew – that life’s too short to follow the crowd. Doing the things ‘the way they’ve always been done’ bores the socks off Amy and she believes there’s no challenge in life that can’t be overcome with a pen in hand and a huge helping of, you guessed it, chocolate!