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This training can be delivered as a workshop or keynote presentation and...
  • can be delivered in person
  • or online via Teams/Zoom
  • for as many people as you'd like
  • and can last between 1 hour, up to a full-day

(Re)Discover your Purpose

When was the last time you or your work colleagues skipped into work with an attitude of Thank gosh it’s Monday!

You cannot command motivation. It’s an individual choice. Getting staff to turn up because they want to is like depositing £1m into your team’s psychological account and is the key to your organisation’s competitive advantage.

CREATING ENGAGEMENT cooks up the secret sauce that puts fire in your belly. It’s a heady combination of purpose, strengths and goals that helps people switch themselves on.

Why? Because 30% of your life is spent at work. It makes sense to turn up inspired!

This workshop will...

  • Introduce a range of positive psychology principles, and bring them to life (e.g. some or all of values, purpose, flow, strengths, Sinek’s golden circle)
  • Create discussion, energy and a buzz
  • Strengthen relationships
  • Enable people to work better as a team
  • Create some lightbulb moments
  • Instil ideas that delegates can implement, immediately (at work and home)
  • Create long-lasting change
  • Help bring your values and strategy to life
This training can be delivered as a workshop or keynote presentation and...
  • can be delivered in person
  • or online via Teams/Zoom
  • for as many people as you'd like
  • and can last between 1 hour, up to a full-day

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