The world is moving at pace. The unknowns need to be tackled; remote and flexible working, virtual meetings, dispersed teams, mental health issues, motivation, trust, relationships, communication…
LEADERSHIP REBOOT is a leadership toolkit for right now. It’s not a total rethink, just a rinsing out of the tired old leadership habits that don’t work anymore, and a reminder of some new principles that have come into play.
Organisations that get leadership right will cultivate internal relationships that impact positively on the customer experience as well as the bottom line. Leaders create a ripple effect that is felt way beyond working hours. But ‘getting it right’ won’t happen by accident. Indeed ‘leadership’ is too important to be left to chance.
LEADERSHIP REBOOT can be tailored to fit any team or organisation. It’s built around positive psychology, transformational leadership, motivation and communication but the programme can be extended to include some or all of strengths, values, psychological safety, change management, emotional intelligence, difficult people, etc.
Although the content is flexible, some things never change. Our content is new, refreshing and inspiring. Guaranteed no bull, big words or psychobabble, it also happens to be great fun!