Remember the good old days?
Sit back, misty eyed, and recall the pre-pandemic world? Busy, full-on, challenging and exciting. We needed leaders who were agile, tweaking their style to track the ever moving goalposts. Then along came COVID-19 and the goalposts didn’t just move, they disappeared completely. The post-pandemic world means we’re arrived at the exact point in history where the old rules no longer apply. Indeed, ‘making it up as you go along’ might be the only viable leadership proposition.
The Leadership Way
We are absolutely NOT advocating a complete reinvention of leadership. Rather, LEADING IN THE NEW NORMAL requires a subtle change of emphasis and a rethink of our thinking. There’s a new psychological contract in town. Employees’ expectations have changed, with ‘flexibility’, ‘support’ and ‘trust’ taking the spotlight. Long standing levers of ‘command’, ‘control’ and ‘9-5’ must exit stage left.
For us, it boils down to the 3Rs of leadership: relationships, relationships and relationships. Get those right, and your people will flourish.
You just need to know how.
The content remains flexible enough to be tailored to local needs but we guarantee a rip-roaring tour through the essentials of leadership as it needs to be RIGHT NOW.
The backbone of LEADING IN THE NEW NORMAL is built around emotional intelligence, coaching, feedback, influencing, virtual teams, belief systems and change.