What on earth is a ‘mojo’?
Your MOJO is what drives you and sustains you as an individual; your MOJO shines through to others. It helps you understand yourself and those around you. It helps you to push on when others pull back. It’s the core of who you are being when you’re at your best. Suffice to say, you should never be without your MOJO.
But it’s so easy to lose! Sadly, some people seem to have lost it completely. They look everywhere, even down the back of the sofa, until eventually they give up looking. Others temporarily misplace it. Some have it stolen by the massive pressures of life.
Your MOJO is your most valuable possession so we’re guessing you want it back?
Interested? Here’s a flavour of our tasty new workshop…
You will learn what motivates you and other people; how to turn it on when you want it and how to help others get there. Learn why self-esteem is the key to your Emotional Intelligence and how to build and maintain it.
O is for OUTCOME
You will learn how to live ‘On Purpose’; how you can decide your outcome in ANY situation life may throw at you. Outcome includes how to take personal responsibility for everything that happens to you and to turn it to your advantage.
J is for JUICE & JOY
You will learn how to be at your best – how to have impact on yourself and those around you; family, friends and those you teach. In short how to be physically and mentally fit and to squeeze more from life.
You will learn about your inner compass – about who you are, your personality and preferences and how they affect your decisions, communications and language.
You will leave this programme with increased personal creativity, energy and presence. Oh, and most importantly, you will have re-discovered your MOJO.
Other workshops: ‘The Art of Being Brilliant’, ‘The Why-Factor’, ‘Brilliant Strengths’, ‘Brilliant Leadership’, ‘Brilliant Teams’, ‘Mindfulness’, ‘Bouncebackability’, ‘Personal Leadership Programme’