Leading in Education
Here’s an uncomfortable truth. You could have chosen an easier job, but no, you went into teaching. Then you got promoted. Maybe more than once? And somehow – you’re never sure exactly how – someone put you in charge!
As chief cat herder you find yourself responsible for the staff, students, parents, budgets, safeguarding, Ofsted, data, meetings, wellbeing, recruitment, politics. Everything! You have a strategy and some values in the back of your head, but day-to-day, your cunning plan is to make it up as you go along. Burnout is never far away.
HERDING CATS is the antidote to complexity. This workshop is leadership TLC, a well-earned time out that reconnects you with your best self. Plot spoiler: your job as a leader is NOT to inspire your staff, or the pupils, or the parents. Your job as a leader is to BE inspired. HERDING CATS reminds you how.
This workshop will...
Inspire new behaviours and attitudes that create a multiplier effect
Create sustainable and noticeable changes
Inspire trust
Introduce a host of new themes that are simple, doable and fun
Focus on the latest thinking and ideas (nothing tired or worn out)
Help leaders create strong personal relationships
Be refreshingly different
Play a huge role in ongoing culture change