Student Wellbeing AwardFor Colleges and Universities
Now more than ever we are seeing students struggle with their emotional wellbeing and resilience. We are seeing students who are less confident, students whose communication skills are less developed and who have a seemingly lower resilience to experiences that are challenging. The Art of Brilliance Wellbeing Award is a programme designed to equip your students with the knowledge and skills to help them take charge of their own mental health.
Our programme provides...
- A flourishing toolkit
- An accredited wellbeing award
- Bite-size modules
- In person, virtual or blended delivery
- Empowers students to take charge of their own mental health
- Designed to sit alongside your academic curriculum
How is the WELLBEING AWARD structured?
The Art of Brilliance STUDENT WELLBEING AWARD is a 9-hour programme comprising 6 modules, each mapped against the building blocks that enable human flourishing; Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Accomplishment and Health [the internationally recognized PERMAH model]
The STUDENT WELLBEING AWARD is designed to complement your institution’s academic programme of study. It has a deliberately light touch. The aim is to deliver a fun and interactive programme that includes a host of practical and do-able wellbeing strategies that are applicable both at university/college, home, and life beyond.
Programme delivery is totally flexible. It can be a 1.5 day workshop, or 3 x half days, or 6 virtual sessions, or a blended approach.
What does the student WELLBEING AWARD look like?
The modules comprise the best of ‘Art of Brilliance’ business content, shaped around the internationally recognised PERMAH model.

An introduction to Positive Psychology that includes some simple science but no big words. Thought-provoking and engaging, this module begins the transition to ‘best possible self’. We introduce some early lessons on positive emotion, resilience and gratitude. The Art of Being Brilliant begins to shifts your priority from ‘Mental Health’ to ‘Mental WEALTH’.

Humans are really good at learning and really bad at un-learning. The result is that we can get stuck in a loop of over-thinking and unhelpful habits. This ‘noise’ gets in the way and we can lose our shine. We end up in a state of near-permanent anxiety and exhaustion, wishing life was different.
While most training is additive (it gives you more things to do and remember), Clarity is subtractive. Clarity peels back the layers, getting you to think about your thinking. As the world begins to feel lighter we find ourselves better able to tackle whatever life throws at us.

We live in a virtual world yet research shows that strong social connections – real life relationships - are the biggest factor in happiness. This session focuses on how to make positive human connections. It’s less about followers and more about friendships. University/College is an opportunity for students to form new, lifelong friendships and connections. ‘Finding Your Tribe ’ includes information on communication as well as a host of top tips to maintain good quality relationships for university/college, home, and life beyond.

The blunt truth is that too many people get stuck in ‘average mode’. There’s a never-ending focus on lack. This module goes back to basics, daring to start with the assertion that if there’s something missing in life, it’s probably YOU. This module seeks to connect (or re-connect) students with their purpose and allow them to make authentic and valued contributions to their lives and society.

Contrary to popular belief, the secret of success is failure - lots of dirty, rotten failure! Students will find willpower and ‘way-power’ by learning how to maintain a growth mindset. This module takes the core messages of engagement, flourishing, resilience & personal responsibility and looks at embedding them in everyday actions. It provides motivational rocket fuel for students to push beyond their comfort zones in times when it is most needed.

Physical and mental health are connected so this is a reminder to get the basics right. In a world dominated by screen time, eating, moving and sleeping well are ‘keystone habits’ that provide a launch pad for optimum physical and mental health. This module is shaped around self-care and, as such, also introduces some key concepts of mindfulness and ‘being in the moment’.
Any questions?
Everyone can benefit from a reminder of the basics of human flourishing. Thus, the STUDENT WELLBEING AWARD is appropriate for every learner
How much does the STUDENT WELLBEING AWARD cost? -
The investment depends on a few things, like the number of students completing the programme, so reach out to us and we'll be able to give you a quote specific for your university. The fee includes programme design, delivery, assessment, and certification, as well as access to our bank of supporting resources.
Is the STUDENT WELLBEING AWARD available as an on-campus programme? -
Yes, the STUDENT WELLBEING AWARD is available as a 9-hour across campus programme. It can be delivered as a 1.5 day workshop, or as 3 x half days, 6 webinars, or a combination thereof.
Is the STUDENT WELLBEING AWARD available as a virtual programme? -
Yes, the STUDENT WELLBEING AWARD can be delivered online as a series of 6 wellbeing themed webinars.
How is the programme assessed? -
The STUDENT WELLBEING AWARD is not intended to add extra pressure to the student workload. Indeed, quite the opposite. Essentially, each candidate is asked to reflect on what wellbeing strategies they’ve applied as a result of the programme. Wellbeing is a subjective science so different strategies will work in different ways for different people. The reflective review is designed to be non-onerous and, as such, can be a short written piece, audio file or video.
Is the programme suitable for those who are struggling with their mental health? -
Our view is that the STUDENT WELLBEING AWARD is suitable for everyone. If students are struggling with their mental health they should already have support in place. This programme does not replace that support, it runs alongside it. This 9-hour programme will act as a reminder of some the basics of self-care and self-compassion.
How will I know if the programme has worked? -
The WELLBEING AWARD is not a box-ticking exercise. Experience tell us that the programme will ‘work’ to the extent of its priority in the institution’s burgeoning ‘to-do’ list. The programme will work superbly in institutions who ‘get’ that flourishing mental health is the starting point for learning and personal growth. Art of Brilliance has developed a ‘before’ and ‘after’ wellbeing questionnaire that will give hard data on the emotional tone of the student and staff populations.
Want to know more?
If you have any questions or would like to hear how the Wellbeing Award could benefit your business, fill in your details below and one of the team will reach out to you within the next day or so for a totally free, no obligation chat.