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Why do hundreds of people want to join our team?

An Englishman, an Irishman, and a Scotsman walk into a…..hotel in the West Midlands. Throw in a Welshman, the Dr of Happiness, a dozen or so more weirdos unique individuals (with one flying in from Peru) and you have yourself the Art of Brilliance summer team meeting. 

It’s the ultimate coming together of the most 2%ery bunch of 2%ers on the planet. 30 or so 2%ers, all in one room, for a whole day. The place was buzzing. And you know what? It could have been hundreds of people – we get LOADS of requests to join our team from like-minded 2%ers. We genuinely wish we had room for everyone, but at AOB, we focus on doing the BEST training, not the most.

So what is it that attracts people to our growing band of misfits? That’s a good question, so during the meeting, Dr Happy asked the team “What is Art of Brill and what isn’t it?”. Below is what they came up with…

We are NOT about the money, we ARE about making a difference. Any profit goes back into our community projects like Brilliant Schools.

We are NOT about illness, we ARE about wellness.

We are NOT happy clappy, in fact, we ARE very serious about happiness.

We are NOT personal development, we ARE personal remembering. We want to help as many people as possible get back to best self mode more often.

We are NOT about ticking wellbeing boxes, we ARE about breaking out of boxes with vibrancy, aliveness, fun and full colour.

We are NOT about motivating you, we ARE about empowering you to motivate yourself.

We are NOT about being the best in the world, we ARE about being the best for the world.

We are NOT looking at what’s wrong with you, we ARE about celebrating what’s right with you.

We are NOT all about work, we ARE about the whole you and the importance of a work-life balance.

We are NOT doing what everyone else is doing, we ARE looking at what everyone else is doing and deciding to do it differently.

We are NOT a short-term fix, we ARE about lasting impact.

We ARE light touch, but we are NOT lightweight.

We ARE game-changing.

We ARE forward-thinking.

And we ARE intent on leading the wellbeing revolution.