What’s New?
What’s new? Everything! That’s what.
Recently, the goalposts haven’t just moved, they’ve been taken down and burned. With the 3-year strategic plan in tatters, the 6-month sales target in smithereens and uncertainty at the heart of your weekly to-do list, this session looks at how to handle unprecedented change.
Fairy godmothers don’t exist
Wishing things were normal again is a waste of a wish. And grumbling about covid/masks/bubbles/track’n’trace is a waste of a grumble.
It makes no odds what you already know. No matter how many PhDs you’ve got, life is going to challenge you. Life can be awesome, but it can also be cruel, relentless and unforgiving. C-19 is tough. There will be times when it feels like it’s trying to break you.
There’s an uncomfortable paradox sitting at the heart of it all. Life is short, but also an uncomfortably long time to be going through the motions. It’s time to develop a backbone instead of a wishbone.
We can’t keep kicking the ‘change can’ down the road. If change is the new normal, then we need to get creative and go with it. Yes, there are challenges, but there are also opportunities.
BUSINESS AS UNUSUAL is about facing up to right now with your eyes wide open and best foot forward.