Once upon a time…
… someone, somewhere, decided that a day would be split into 24 hours. That might have been okay back when 24 hours was plenty, but nowadays? It’s not nearly enough. We end up cramming. The result? Look around you. Most people are living life fast, but are they living it well?
Although the 24 thing remains fixed, the quality & quantity of energy available to us is not. The more we take ownership of our own energy, the more empowered, effective and brilliant we become.
Our SELF-CARE session seeks to impart ideas, information and most importantly, strategies for application towards a shift in energy & engagement.
We’re all aware of the mind/body connection. Therefore SELF-CARE needs to take account of your mental and physical wellbeing.
SELF-CARE addresses the basics. This session will give tips and techniques on how we can have a healthier, balanced diet, exercise regularly and get a good night’s sleep.
Please note, this is not a finger wagging session. Rather than a telling off, SELF-CARE is a wake-up call. Your body is a gift. There is no receipt so you can’t swap it, but you can learn to look after it well. The promise is that if you improve your physical wellbeing, your energy, mental health and vitality will begin to take care of themselves.
There is no such thing as ‘one size fits all’. However, our aim is to inspire you to go and do your own ‘experiment of one’ try some new ideas and see if they work. These tips and techniques won’t work unless you do them!
That’s why our special motivational magic is built in as standard.
Just fill in your details below and Mandy, Jen or Soph will get back to you as soon as possible to arrange a chat so we can understand how we can help you. (There are no obligations to book, obviously!)
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