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Self-care is crucial and self-compassion is the starting point.

Everything is connected. What we put into our bodies impacts our energy levels, which impacts how well we perform inside and outside the classroom.

We all know that looking after ourselves is one of the best things we can do but sometimes we need a gentle nudge in the right direction. Physical and mental health are connected so this session is a reminder to get the basics right. Eat, move and sleep are ‘keystone habits’ that provide a launch pad for physical and mental health. Mastering these habits early is the key to feeling great and having an amazing life.

Key themes in this workshop

  • Mindfulness
  • Phone usage
  • Diet
  • Sleeping
  • Physical activity

This workshop is perfect for...

  • School Assemblies
  • Class Lessons
  • Start of Term
  • Small, Large or VERY Large groups

Interested in this workshop?

Just fill in your details below and Mandy, Jen or Soph will get back to you as soon as possible to arrange a chat so we can understand how we can help you. (There are no obligations to book, obviously!)

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