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Screen time – friend or foe?

Smartphones, scrolling, posting, selfies, social media, AI… the last decade has seen an explosion of screen time.

We ‘get’ that social media and screen time are woven into the fabric of modern life. When used correctly, the internet is the greatest educational tool the world has ever seen.

But for some, screen time has shape-shifted into anti-social media that has muscled its way into their life like an unwelcome and disruptive visitor.

Attention, for sale!

It’s time to take back control with our brand new Social Media Detox workshop.

Chill, it’s not a finger-wagging lecture. Designed with our trademark fun and interactivity, this session is about getting you to think about your relationships, purpose, goals – and whether the way you’re currently using social media fits into the vision of what you want to achieve in your life.

Whether it’s to be the best teenager, student, parent, employee or teacher, Social Media Detox connects you with who you want to be by getting you to consider what really matters to you.

It’s a chance to hit pause, and reflect. What you take from the workshop is up to you but plot spoiler, we hope you nudge yourself towards being a bit more social and a little less media.

Why? Because in a world of endless information, where your attention is hijacked for profit, it’s important that you wrestle control of your life from the apps that are desperate to do it for you.


Social Media Detox is available as a keynote, webinar or half-day workshop. It works well as an in-company session, or for schools and colleges. It’s for anyone, of any age. The aim is to stimulate discussion, thought and a change in habits.

About the Trainer

Ollie has four years of higher education in Psychology under his belt. The blurry relationship between the mind and technology is his specialist subject, which he studied specifically during his Masters. He has researched how the news affects people’s emotions and is passionate about learning more about the ways social media affects us in our day-to-day lives. He believes that proper education and a positive outlook are the best solutions to the new problems posed by the modern world, which is why he’s focused on making Social Media Detox fun, engaging, and inspiring.

Key themes in this workshop

  • Social Media
  • Addiction
  • Behaviour

This workshop is perfect for...

  • Anyone who uses a phone (so most people!)
  • School Assemblies
  • Class Lessons
  • Small, Large or VERY Large groups
  • In-person on online learning

Interested in this workshop?

Just fill in your details below and Mandy, Jen or Soph will get back to you as soon as possible to arrange a chat so we can understand how we can help you. (There are no obligations to book, obviously!)

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