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We believe that everyone is a superhero, but too many people are pretending to be normal!

Science tells us that the quickest way to make you feel great is to do a good deed for someone else. So kindness really is a wellbeing superpower.

If young people understand that they have the power to help other people feel amazing on a consistent basis then they really could change the world.

Plot spoiler – you are never too young to make a difference.

Key themes in this workshop

  • Kindness
  • Friendships
  • Anti-bullying

This workshop is perfect for...

  • School Assemblies
  • Class Lessons
  • Start of Term
  • Small, Large or VERY Large groups

Interested in this workshop?

Just fill in your details below and Mandy, Jen or Soph will get back to you as soon as possible to arrange a chat so we can understand how we can help you. (There are no obligations to book, obviously!)

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