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Sanjeev Sandhu

Sanj is a true 2%er. His favourite day of the week is Monday, he eats without his mobile phone in sight and expresses gratitude first thing every morning.

Born in South Wales to English parents with an Indian origin, Sanj learnt to embrace his uniqueness. Working for two of the biggest consulting firms on the planet, he learnt that happiness is ultimately a choice. Living in London and Dubai, he learnt that perception is reality and dreams do come true. Travelling the world, he learnt that discipline, perspective and contrast are crucial to success.

Sanj believes that going through education and employment can and should make a human happier and healthier. He prides himself on keeping it simple and trusting the process.

Sanj is currently pursuing a PhD in Positive Psychology and Wellbeing at Swansea University and is a co-author of ‘How to Be a WELL BEING – Unofficial Rules to Live Every Day’. He is the inventor of our world famous ‘Wellbeing Workout’.