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If you listen carefully you’ll hear people grumbling about what they haven’t got. Most people spend their entire lives chasing after more stuff and brighter, faster, bigger, more expensive things.

What if the answer to being happier wasn’t about having more things, it was actually about having less?

Gratitude is the oldest happiness trick in a very old wellbeing book. The key to an epic life is to look at all the things we have already got. Developing the mental muscle of gratitude is like rocket fuel for happiness, it can take a bit of work and effort to get started, but once you have it, there is no stopping you.

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude and you’ll never look at the world the same way again.

Key themes in this workshop

  • Gratitude
  • Contentment

This workshop is perfect for...

  • School Assemblies
  • Class Lessons
  • Anytime during the academic year
  • Small, Large or VERY Large groups

Interested in this workshop?

Just fill in your details below and Mandy, Jen or Soph will get back to you as soon as possible to arrange a chat so we can understand how we can help you. (There are no obligations to book, obviously!)

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