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The Art of Public Speaking

How would your life change if you could confidently captivate any audience? We’re beyond excited to be launching our brand-new workshop: The Art of Public Speaking.

It’s a communication course with a difference. At its root is our world-famous approach to wellbeing and the understanding that remarkable speakers don’t perform to their audience… they connect with them.

So, the Art of Public Speaking works from the inside out; connecting you with your best, authentic self… so you can better connect with the people you’re speaking to.

One of the biggest misconceptions about public speaking is that some people have a natural ‘gift’ for it, while others… don’t.
Allow us to de-bunk that myth entirely. If you’ve mastered the art of speaking to one person (which, trust us, you have!), you can master the art ofspeaking to tens, hundreds or even thousands.

*Not that ‘public speaking’ has to be in front of anything resembling a crowd; we’re also talking interviews, meetings, videos for social media… any time you need to persuade another human being with your thoughts and ideas, actually.

Great communication skills are precisely that: they’re skills. Which means anyone can learn them. And that’s good news, because learning to speak with authenticity and gravitas is arguably one of the most important things you can ever do for your career and your life. Yet it’s the one thing most people leave to chance. If addressing an audience is something they have to do frequently in their personal and/or professional lives, they hope they’ll get better by default. If it’s something they currently run a mile from, they hope they can just keep running (plot spoiler: they probably can’t).

Truth is, ANYONE can work to be a great speaker. And EVERYONE can work to be a better one.

The Art of Public Speaking teaches a strategy for deep-down confidence when speaking or presenting. It’ll help you get the thinking right… then get the content right… so you can get the outcome more than right.

It’s a fun-packed, wholly immersive workshop that covers 4 key areas of mindset, preparation, content & technique.

It’ll show you how to:

  • Overcome speaking nerves: learn why you’re hardwired to feel nervous in front of an audience, and how you can shrink the fear with simple, effective techniques.
  • Build beliefs that empower you: bullet-proof your confidence and squash feelings of Imposter syndrome by building positive self-beliefs.
  • Find your authentic voice: shake off any ‘artificial’ habits and reconnect with your natural style of communication.
  • Learn a simple, repeatable formula: to help structure any presentation, any time, anywhere.
  • Make it stick: create stand-out content that your audience will remember long after the event.
  • Speak with gravitas and confidence: learn the best delivery techniques of the trade.
  • Master the art of storytelling: to bring your message to life.
  • Build rapport with your audience: create the kind of connection that’ll have them gripped… and hanging off your every word.
  • Create permanent mindset change: learn to maintain and develop your new-found confidence, conditioning your thinking for lasting change.

Whether the thought of public speaking currently makes you want to find the nearest cave and hide in it, or you’re a seasoned communicator looking to hone your existing skills, this mastercourse will bring you out of your head, and into the moment… and give you the tools to shine while you’re there.

Want to know more?