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Where do you go when you die?

I don’t sit around pondering the prospect of death. However, seeing as it’s inevitable for myself and everyone I know, it’s worth considering the final moments.

Picture the scene, in which you’re holding the hand of a loved one. A very poorly loved one. The end is nigh. Your loved one looks up at you and asks, ‘I’m dying. Where will I go when I die?’

You don’t know. Nobody really knows, although there are a fair few who will claim they do. So how about this – have you ever considered where you were before you were conceived?

Because that’s where you’re going back to.

Newtonian physics states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed. The universe is a giant slosh of energy. Before you arrived, you were a drop of energy in an infinite sea of potential.

After you’ve gone, your energy melts back into the sea of potential.

It’d be comforting to tell your loved one the truth – they’re not dying, they’re changing state.