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Are 2%ers born or made?

Here’s a question we’re often asked – are people born positive, or can you learn it?

Hey, the science says there’s a bit of genetic jiggery-pokery involved. At Art of Brill, we don’t discount that genes and upbringing play a part. But they’re out of your control, so our focus is on the massive part that is under your control – which is YOU.

After umpteen years of hard academic labour, we can prove to you that being a 2%er (our shorthand term for an upbeat person) involves a set of learned behaviours. Yes, you can absolutely craft a better version of yourself.

Although academia is useful, it’s sometimes a bit dull, so we thought we’d ‘prove’ the science by sharing the backstory of one of our amazing trainers.

Flis, over to you…

I won’t go into detail but life got messy and I found myself homeless at 15.

To cut a long story short, I was rescued by the full-fat milk of human kindness. It brings a tear to my eye. With the authorities circling, I was rescued by the warmth, humanity and kindness of my friends and family friends. They let me stay at their houses and treated me like family. Without those friends and those families, I would not have been able to sit my GCSE exams.

Kindness got me back on my feet but it was my form tutor, Mr Johnstone, who provided me with my sliding doors moment (if you’ve not seen the movie, treat yourself). Mr Johnstone was so impressed with my GCSE results that he gave me a special mention in assembly. I didn’t even know he knew anything about my home life – I never told him and he never asked – yet there he was, cheering me on in front of the whole school.

It was a small gesture that had a BIG impact.

Mr J presented me with the John Betts award for resilience. I cried. He cried. He believed in me and in that moment, I knew I could believe in me too.

Mr Johnstone was that person who saw something in me. He knew my circumstances weren’t great and he understood how hard I worked to get those exam results. It’s powerful stuff. The very thought that someone believed in me transformed my internal story for the better.

Those GCSEs and Mr J’s praise set me off on the roller coaster journey of life. Just like every other human being on the planet, I have continued to face ups and downs. But I’m careful to pay my learning forward. I go out of my way to recognise and share kindness and I wholeheartedly believe that everyone has huge untapped potential.

We’re all amazing. But the pressures of life make us forget!

I hope that you believe in you as much as I believe in you!

Flis x