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Don’t Panic!

‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ is a sci-fi comedy that also happens to reveal the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything. No plot spoilers from me. Stick it on your Christmas list. It’s superb.

In Hitchhiker, a person who can stay in control of any situation is somebody who is said to know where their towel is. Douglas Adams genius logic is that a towel has immense psychological value. If you pick up an intergalactic hitchhiker who has their towel with them, you will automatically assume that they are also in possession of a toothbrush, flannel, soap, sandwiches, flask, compass, map, alien repellent, cagoule, space suit, etc. The towel gives you faith. Burrowing deeper into the assumption, anyone who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still know where their towel is, is clearly someone to be reckoned with.

So congratulations on still being in possession of your intergalactic towel. Yes, the modern world is crazy, but you’re still here, following our blogs and podcasts, and still with a twinkle in your eye.

We’d like to think that our simple messages have played some small part in the fact that you’re still standing. It’s been quite a year. Again!

Congrats. Well done. Go you!

BUT there is some bad news. My crystal ball reveals that the craziness isn’t going away anytime soon. Which is why we’ll continue to do our thing. We’ll be here when you need us. Our podcasts and blogs will pump out positive messages. Our social media will be exclusively upbeat. The Little Shop of Happiness will continue to do its thing. Our workshops and keynotes will be even bigger and better in 2023.

Art of Brill will shout louder because there’s never been a more appropriate time to support wellbeing and give people a leg-up to being their best selves.
The pandemic has morphed into an epidemic of exhaustion. The world’s reserves of happiness are running dangerously low. Indeed, there are plenty of other emotions that seem more appropriate; anger, frustration, sadness and hopelessness immediately spring to mind.

If our internal dialogue says ‘I can’t be happy when there’s so much suffering in the world’ then we’ve fallen victim to what’s called ‘destination addiction’. We end up kicking our happiness into the long grass.

It boils down to this…

I can’t change THE world, but I can change MY world.

And while that might sound selfish it’s actually the least selfish thing ever. If you and I raise our levels of wellbeing and positivity, it creates a ripple in those around us. What your family, friends, neighbours and work colleagues need right now, is you at your best.
That’s why Art of Brill exists.

Thanks for following our very simple messages. Have a relaxing few days. You’ve earned them!