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There’s a lot of noise surrounding education at the moment.  Inside the classroom there’s excited chatter, laughter, questions, awe and wonder. 

Outside the school gates, the volume ramps up considerably.  Everyone, it seems, is entitled to an opinion about school; workload, pay, hours, holidays, behaviour, OFSTED… I could go on.

The interesting thing about the ‘outside’ noise is that much of it is generated by those who have never set foot in a classroom in their adult lives.  What’s even more interesting, is that none of these opinions matter one iota.  NONE of them; not one.

I’m not being rude or dismissive, just acknowledging the reality our intrepid educators are faced with day-in day-out.  When it comes to classroom practice, there is only one voice that counts – the one inside the person standing in front of the class, charged with future-proofing the next generation.  It’s a big responsibility.  The truth is you can’t please everyone.  In fact, the fastest way to becoming a decidedly mediocre teacher is to try and appease the masses; you’ll soon become world-class at being average.

February’s newsletter is all about finding your voice again – doing it your way: Feb-your-way.  Because you simply can’t be anyone else, and why would you want to be?  You are a highly skilled, highly qualified professional whose words and actions count more than you will ever know.  You don’t have to satisfy everyone, you just have to care.  Because in the end, that’s what makes the difference that makes a difference.

Start with yourself.  Stop the clocks.  Care what you think.  Value your judgement.  Listen to your own inner voice and trust your teacher spidey-sense.  You are not anyone else or everyone else and neither should you pretend to be.  Don’t compromise; be you – brilliantly.

The end.