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We’re nine times richer and zero % happier

Let’s nip back three generations to your great-great-grandparents’ days… Leaving aside the miracle of surviving two world wars, life was physically exhausting.

Those gathering the harvest, choking down the pit or toiling in the factory would get home full of aches and pains. They’d eat and sleep and toil again.

With no central heating and very little indoor plumbing, life was tough. Imagine, they didn’t even have coffee. Or electricity. Or supermarkets. Or pizzas. Or TV. Or wi-fi.

Look around at the world today. We have no desire to do away with our comfy, central-heated, ensuite bathroom’d, fully carpeted homes, or to hark back to the ‘good old days’ of rickets and diphtheria. The modern world is uber-comfy with a Starbucks on every street and deep pan pepperoni deliver-ood to your door. Our great-great-grandparents would be amazed at what we have! We’re the first generation in the history of human beings to have more than we need.

Amongst an abundance of abundance, the question is, are we any happier?

Because the big ‘BUT’ is this: back in the day, the miners lived in the pit village. They didn’t have to commute. Work was 8 to 5 and then you clocked off. The workers didn’t go home and log onto their emails. The hashtag hadn’t been invented. They didn’t have to spend 25% of their day remembering passwords. Their teenagers didn’t have to measure up to airbrushed perfection. Their boys didn’t feel the urge to take pictures of their private parts and share them via smartphones.

Your great-great-grandparents’ coalface has been replaced by the typeface. After a hard day at the office, you slump into your you-shaped sofa sarcophagus and log back on to work.

The physicality of back then has been replaced by the sheer full-on-ness of right now. We feel emotionally and mentally depleted. Whereas those doing physical jobs suffered from bad backs, cricked necks, vibration white finger, crushed limbs and emphysema, the new millennium has seen the rise of anxiety, stress, panic attacks, loneliness and full-blown depression.

We don’t want to ‘go back’ to a different time. Those times have gone. But we’d like to help you ‘get back’ to being you at your best. If the world has changed, then so must we. Plugging back into the full-wattage high-energy version of yourself is the key to your mental wealth.

It also happens to be your gift to the world. Human beings are wired to catch each other’s emotions, so when you shine brightly, it also lights up your nearest and dearest.

The big BUT becomes a huge HOW?

How are we supposed to shine when the modern world seems hell bent on dimming us?

That huge question has a series of very simple solutions. It’s the reason Art of Brilliance exists.

Dr Andy Cope