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Hatch, match and dispatch

When I was a teenager, I remember there was a spate of family weddings. We’d get dressed up and trudge to church for the nuptials.

At the evening do, my aunties and great aunties would get a bit tipsy on the sherry and come up to me and pinch my cheek. ‘Who’s going to be next then?’ As a 13-year-old boy, my cheeks would flush because I found the idea of the marriage thing totally embarrassing.

Who’s going to be next? Yuk! Not me!

Elephants never forget, and neither do I.

I now get to do the exact same thing to my ageing aunties – but at funerals. Pinching their wrinkly cheeks and asking, ‘Who’s next?’ makes me chuckle every time.

Look, hey, the paragraphs above may or may not be true. But they illustrate a point. There are basically 3 times that most people go to church. I’ve heard them called hatch, match and dispatch (your christening, wedding and funeral).

Life is the most wonderful gift. Nobody gets out alive.

Too many people are caught up in what’s called ‘destination addiction’. They’re hurtling through life in a blur. We get caught in a habit of counting down to the weekend or ticking off the weeks until our holiday.

Too many people are accidentally wishing their lives away.

If you’re reading this, congrats, you’ve hatched.

You might even have been matched?

It makes sense to savour every single day before you’re dispatched.
