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Lesley’s Story

I first heard of the Art of Brilliance when I saw the book ‘The Art of Being Brilliant’ by Andy Cope about 10 years ago.

I believe life isn’t about seeing the best in everything, but it is about making the best of what we have, and this message seemed to shine throughout the book.

As a psychotherapist, I have shared the Art of Brilliance messages throughout my work over the years as well as with my family and friends. I do get a lot of feedback about my positivity and how I see the best in everyone. I am a glass half full sort of person. I am very grateful for what I have, particularly my health, which allows me to take part in Parkrun every Saturday morning.

I especially like to think of myself as a 2%er and take the opportunities that arise to make my life fulfilled, exciting and full of abundance, epitomising the Art of Brilliance messages. So often, I see those around me grumbling about the weather, dark nights and other people and failing to see that they are focusing on the wrong things and that pinning their happiness to factors outside of their control is actually making them unhappy.

When the book ‘The Art of Being a Brilliant Teenager’ came out in 2014, I bought several copies and shared them regularly as I recognised how important these messages were to younger generations too. To help teens learn these messages from a young age will help them handle not just their tricky teen years but also what life could throw at them as they grow and develop.

One of my favourite concepts I have learnt from the Art of Brilliance is the ‘4 Minute Rule.’ (AoB note – something we borrowed from Steve McDermott – thanks Steve.) The 4 Minute Rule helps me be my best self, especially first thing in the morning! I used to wake up and feel a bit grouchy from a lack of sleep or feeling irritated by my partner’s snoring and then I would find myself complaining and setting the tone for the rest of the day. By applying the 4 Minute Rule, I now focus on a positive thought about my forthcoming day and start the day in a more positive mood, something that has made a real difference to my life.

I have also in the last few years made changes to the way I spend money, it isn’t about overindulging but to have the shower gel I want every day, rather than saving it for special occasions. I now buy the slightly more expensive bread because it tastes more delicious, oh and my underwear drawer is neat and full of my best undies….You may have to attend an Art of Brilliance workshop to understand that one!

If you haven’t heard of the Art of Brilliance, treat yourself to a book, follow their social media accounts, sign up to a workshop and learn why your life is the ultimate special occasion.