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The Twilight Z-own

…the end.  Impressive, huh?  It’s also possible to go back in time, or create a snapshot where time stands still.  This mind-bending phenomenon is a once-a-year occurrence and quite the spectacle. 

A bit like the Northern Lights, it can only be experienced from a specific location, ideally free from artificial distraction.

In other words, wandering around the school building on your lonesome during the summer holidays.

It’s a curious thing; desperate as teachers are for the six-week escape, it’s almost impossible to stay away.  The draw of the empty school building is such that only a wizened few can resist a couple of hours alone in a place never designed for solitude.  It’s like an educational black hole sucking you in to another dimension, and it’s best to be prepared:

  1. If upon arrival, there is another car in the car park, you will abort the mission and try again another time. Needless to say, someone will have witnessed your drive-by (damn it!).
  2. You may have deactivated the school alarm dozens of times, but there is always an added element of holiday jeopardy. Bypassing reception is akin to Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom.
  3. You are faced with the stark choice of what to do with accumulated post. Some will conscientiously collate, bolstering legitimacy, whilst others will opt to hide any sign of their tracks.
  4. It’s impossible to resist having a nosey around everyone else’s classroom. Those already fully prepped for September induce a sickening feeling.
  5. This is an ideal time to reallocate resources. Feel free to help yourself to what’s rightfully yours (that’s where they’ve gone!) and conversely dump the remnants of last year’s class chattels into their new home.  This is never, ever welcomed, but the opportunity to offload is just too great to resist.
  6. Your own room looks like it’s been considerately burgled. The place has been turned upside down, but at least the chairs have been stacked.  This is the time to surreptitiously swap the three chairs that don’t match the rest.
  7. You will generate at least 6 black bin bags full of rubbish. Hope and pray that no one examines the contents…
  8. There is never anything edible left in the staffroom. That doesn’t stop us from finding something.  This is the only time of year you will ever entertain drinking black tea.
  9. Finding the stock cupboard open is like hitting the jackpot. Naturally, you will help yourself like an episode of Supermarket Sweep.  There is no such thing as too much.
  10. You will leave, having achieved nothing of that which you set out to do. Another visit is incumbent.

Just remember:

A school holiday is a real holiday.  The two don’t have to be inextricably linked.  It’s not so much where you choose to set foot which I take issue with, but where your head is at.  The new term is always here before you know it, so best make the most of a very well-earned break.

Switch off.  Recharge.  Renew.  Re-invigorate.  Enjoy time to yourself and with family and friends.  Own it.

Because your pupils, your staff, your school, need the very best of you.  And more importantly than that, so do you.  A little bit of self-care is the least selfish thing that you can possibly do.

A heart-felt ‘thank you,’ as always.
