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Rule number 6

The world’s always been a harsh place, but it’s feeling pretty damn brutal at the mo. There are no laughs on the BBC News channel. There are a lot of exhausted humans.

That’s why I want to introduce you to Ben Zander’s ‘Rule number 6’.

Zander recounts a story of an American President who was having a serious discussion with the leader of a G7 nation. His aide approached him and said, ‘Mr President Sir, please don’t forget rule number 6.’

The other head of state looked quizzically at the US President and, as you would, he enquired, ‘What is rule number 6?’

The President beamed and said, ‘Rule number 6 is ‘Don’t take yourself too seriously’.’

‘And the other rules?’ enquired the other head of state.

The President’s eyes were now twinkling. ‘There aren’t any,’ he grinned. ‘Just rule number 6.’

And, nice story as it is, it is also a good rule to live your life by. LIFE is a serious business. But the ability to not take yourself too seriously is a modern-day superpower. I’m not advocating jazz hands, toxic positivity and fakery, I’m merely suggesting that you’ll be appreciated if you can bring a light touch to a heavy world.

That’s exactly what we aim to do at Art of Brill. Our training has a light touch but is not lightweight.

We apply rule number 6. Our trainers deliver very serious messages, but don’t take themselves too seriously.

That’s why it works.
