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Can you inspire someone’s future?

At Art of Brilliance, we’re interested in leading the wellbeing revolution and doing the right thing. I’m guessing you are too?

We’ve been waiting for Children’s Mental Health Week to launch a new type of corporate sponsorship. Something that’ll get you the biggest CSR and brand awareness payback. Something that fundamentally changes lives…

It won’t have escaped your attention that schools are skint, and that wellbeing is in a bad place. We’re looking for corporate sponsorship to accelerate our Outstandingly Happy Schools (for primary) and Investors in Wellbeing (for secondary) programmes.

Both models achieve the same thing. With anxiety and depression skyrocketing, our school projects are about young people learning how to take good care of their own mental health and wellbeing. We take them through our world-famous workshops, and they become the ambassadors – their role, to cascade wellbeing messages across their school and community.

Young people leading on mental health initiatives, I know!

For those who like to tick a corporate box, it ticks ‘em all (plus some you’ve not even thought of). But (and it’s a big BUT) it goes way beyond social responsibility and brand awareness. It’s about investing in the wellbeing of the next generation. If we want young people with resilience, creativity and positivity, fuelled by strong purpose and values, we need to teach them how!

It’s beyond obvious. You’re investing in something that’s already up and running. It already has a proven track record. It’s already making a huge difference. The bottom line is that children’s happiness is the bottom line!

Your business sponsorship allows us to press the accelerator pedal. With our foot to the floor, we can make rapid progress on embedding wellbeing into the DNA of schools and colleges on your patch.

Corporate sponsorship can take various forms, from straight cash to employee involvement. You can sponsor a class, a school or an entire region. You can get as involved as you want.

But it all starts with a chat.

You and me.

Heart to heart.

Dr Andy Cope