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Take the leap

Olympics, FIFA World Cups and leap years… they carousel around every four years. And while the sporting events arrive with pomp and fanfare, February 29th kind of slips by.

It has no lucrative sponsorship deals. It’s not televised.

In 2024, February 29th will be a nondescript Thursday. Heavily disguised as one of its 365 siblings, the 29th will be the same as the day before, and probably the same as the day after.

But hang on a second… it’s an EXTRA day!

Think back how many times over the last few weeks/months/years you’ve caught yourself saying, ‘I wish I had more time’. Well congrats, you have! You’ve just won a free day. A whole 24 hours where you get that extra time you’ve been craving.

So, my question to you, is what are you going to do with it? Are you going to just let it slip by in the same fashion as a normal day? Or are you going to take this extra time as an opportunity to do something different?

You see, routine can be the enemy of change. You can snuggle into the bed of excuses and, before you know it, two or three decades have snoozed by.

But there is nothing routine about February 29th this year – so let it be your wake-up call.

This year, on February 29th, your free extra day, I want you to do something completely different from your other 365 days. I want you to step outside your comfort zone. Book the day off work, get someone to watch the kids, do whatever it takes so that you can take the day to go do that thing you’ve said you’d do if you had more time. It can be as simple as lacing up your trainers and going for a jog? Maybe it’s something as challenging as spending the day learning a new skill? Or maybe it’s reconnecting with that person you wish you spent more time with.

It’s a 24 hour free hit at this game called LIFE.

The end result? You’ll feel empowered. You’ll feel elation at finally getting started and you’ll have taken the first step to realising that, actually, it’s not time that’s stopping us from leaping out of our comfort zone, it’s our choices.

So, this is your day. Don’t let it just pass by. Take the leap and jump out of your comfort zone – you’ll be amazed how you feel when you land.

Carl B.