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To be, or to do: that is the question

We can all be guilty of reading books on self-improvement, listening to podcasts and watching TED Talks, thinking this will help us become ‘enlightened.’ But how much of what we learn actually gets put into practice?

We can be so focused on improving ourselves that we forget to look up and see what is going on around us. We might be reading a book about kindness but fail to give up our seat on the bus. We might be listening to a podcast about improving our relationships but fail to hear the question from the person we are sitting next to.

There is a massive difference between being and doing.

To really improve ourselves, we must do.

It makes no sense to learn all this ‘stuff’ and then be too busy to actually do it. Sure, you know what the right thing is, but are you doing it?

Self-improvement, ultimately, is about doing the right thing.

Picture yourself at a fork in the road.

You can only take one path. A decision needs to be made.

One direction will take you towards being someone. It involves dreams, ideologies, getting swept up in the idea.

The other direction is different. The other direction takes you towards doing something. Plans, strategies, action. Making a real difference.

Our Lead Well programme is about doing.

It’s about daring to do things differently.

It’s about standing out against the crowd.

It’s about taking action.

Lead Well will immerse you in the latest thinking from positive psychology and equip you with the tools and strategies you need to implement your plan into your setting.

It takes you from thinking about an idea to actually doing something with it. Making a real difference to the people that need it the most.

Lead Well is for new or existing wellbeing leaders who want to change the narrative. It will equip you to become a wellbeing champion in your school, college or workplace. It helps you embed wellbeing into the DNA of your setting.

If you are passionate about making a positive difference and are ready to take action, then this is the course for you.

It’s a course for the movers, the shakers, the doers, the darers. The ones that really will make a difference.

The world needs more people like you.

And we can’t wait to have you with us.
