This product contains the following videos:
The Art of Being Brilliant introduces the science of happiness and wellbeing. Darrell walks you through some simple principles and asks you to apply them to your life. If you do, it’s a game-changer. Your future’s so bright, you’re gonna need shades
Carry on squeezing
Sanj introduces the concepts of grit, determination and resilience. Sure, talent is a great starting point but effort is what oils the wheels of life. This video is about squeezing the maximum out of life
Will the real you please step forward
Will explores human potential. He charts your development from age zero all the way through teenagehood, explaining how we collect habits along the way. Will explains that ‘fitting in’ is a basic human instinct but his message is that, on balance, it’s best to stand out (for the right reasons). It all boils down to choosing an attitude that works for you rather than against you
Mirror Mirror
A reminder about reminders! Oli jogs your memory about some very simple fundamentals of how to create an amazing life. It’s about re=shaping your thinking, learning new habits and taking responsibility for your life. It’s a fun and motivational pep talk about how to be your best self
Three little pigs
Andy re-works a classic story to give it a modern spin. Yes, the internet can be a dangerous place. Yes, you need to be cautious. But don’t believe everything you read and be a force for good
The game of life
Andy tops and tails a wonderfully simple animation called ‘The Game of Life’. There are so many lessons about potential, happiness and relationships, but the main message centres on the 90/10 Principle. The message from The Game of Life is that you can’t control what happens to you but you can take charge of how you react
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