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The Art of Brilliance Blog

Welcome to our random musings. If Carlsberg could write blogs...

The Stock Cupboard

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Aristotle once said, ‘Give me a child until he is seven and l will show you the man.’  In a similar vein, I hazard to suggest that ‘give me a stock cupboard and I’ll show you the school’.

It’s not too late!

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You won’t know what a subphylum urochordata is, until I give you its more common name, the sea squirt.

Podcast: S06E03

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 “”If I do my job correctly… this will be the last time you need to diet or have a coach””

A giant leap of learning for the education sector

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We’ve been fortunate to work on some amazing projects over the years, none more so than our collaboration with Macclesfield College of Further Education.

And breaaaaathe….

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It was the last day of my PADI open water diving course, and I was 10 metres under the Devon sea.

The Canteen

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There are seven wonders of the modern world. I’m going to add an eighth: the school canteen.

Who wants to be average?

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Alex Linley wrote this paragraph a few years ago. It’s well worth reading…

Alive Time

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It was a morning like any other. Michael Phelps had just finished his first gruelling training session of the day, the kind he was famous for, three hours in the pool, thousands of metres covered, all before the average person has had breakfast.