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The Art of Brilliance Blog

Welcome to our random musings. If Carlsberg could write blogs...

Contains 100% LIFE

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In recent years, we’ve invented new foods that don’t seem to contain what you think they should.

Is there any such thing as a ‘negative’ emotion?

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Yin and yang, light and dark, good and evil, water and fire, even sweet and savoury. Many important thinkers have obsessed over the idea of opposites for centuries.

Brilliant Parenting Through Exams

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I began working as a teacher in secondary schools in 1995. During this time, I encouraged, coached and helped young people to want to work hard so that when they opened their exam results letter, they got the results that they deserved.

I’m a big fan of your work…

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Hi all NHSers! I’ve been a big fan of your work for some time – well forever really – as NHS staff have done so much for me and my family

Betsy’s Mum’s Glasses

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Enquiring as to why Betsy was sporting her mother’s reading glasses, it boiled down to ‘it seemed like a good idea at the time’. Which I couldn’t really argue with, to be honest. Education in general has followed a similar evolution.

Can you inspire someone’s future?

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At Art of Brilliance, we’re interested in leading the wellbeing revolution and doing the right thing. I’m guessing you are too?

Take the leap

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Olympics, FIFA World Cups and leap years… they carousel around every four years. And while the sporting events arrive with pomp and fanfare, February 29th kind of slips by.