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The Art of Brilliance Blog

Welcome to our random musings. If Carlsberg could write blogs...

Triple Filter Test

Today, something will go wrong. Someone might say something you don’t like. An event might occur that upsets you. The traffic might be bad and cause you to be late. The weather might turn, meaning you have to cancel plans. (more…)

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Podcast: S06E01

“I might be wearing a HAPPY T-shirt now… but I’ve not always been happy” (more…)

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The future of workplace culture

At Art of Brill, we have one team member who actually understands American football. Clue, Pouli’s an American. The rest of us watch ‘gridiron’ and wonder what the heck’s going on. (more…)

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There’s a lot of noise surrounding education at the moment.  Inside the classroom there’s excited chatter, laughter, questions, awe and wonder.  (more…)

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Mellissa’s Story

Mellissa was first introduced to Art of Brilliance during a staff meeting with Hannah Knowles. That meeting took Mellissa on a journey from being in quite a low place to becoming a full-blown 2%er. (more…)

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Underpant memories

Today most of us use devices for work. We are constantly bombarded each day with the ping from the inbox, the social media notification, the meeting reminder, the text alert or the phone call… (more…)

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How to Keep the Buzz Going?

I love being part of the Art of Brill team because I know our stuff is life changing. It also happens to be super simple! (more…)

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Welcome to a short but crucial message about un-worrying. (more…)

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Will the real NHS please Rise and SHINE

Think of a doctor. Then think again. I’m that second one. (more…)

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Back to school.  Most of us have got a week under our belt, probably with an INSET thrown in.  It’s almost as if Christmas never happened, isn’t it?  (more…)

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Five reasons NOT to work with us

Our training and keynotes aren’t for everyone – Here are 5 reasons NOT to work with Art of Brilliance: (more…)

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Izzie’s Story: Helping spread positivity 

Izzie is one of our newest trainers and here she tells us a bit about herself and why working with the Art of Brilliance, really is such a wonderful thing. (more…)

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